This story is from my dim, dark past, with “dark” being the key word... read on, it’ll make more sense. It gives context to a number of personal insights into the challenges faced by business owners everywhere, together with some thoughts on how to resolve them.
While the story is important, if you’re one of those people who needs to cut to the chase, either due to a lack of time or lack of attention, then head to the section titled The Insights I Gained, otherwise I hope you enjoy!
on Tuesday, 26 November 2019.
Posted in Productivity, Personal Development, Leadership
Two factors that dramatically impact our ability to "achieve outcomes" are stress and overwhelm.
Look at the picture above and guess how heavy the glass of water is?
Would it surprise you to know that the absolute weight doesn’t matter? It depends on how long I hold it for. If I hold it for a minute it’s not a problem. Hold it for an hour and my arm will start to ache. Hold it for a day and my arm will feel numb and paralysed.
on Tuesday, 26 February 2019.
Posted in Productivity, Business Growth, Personal Development, Leadership