Some Background on David... 

DavidFloyd 300Eight years spent getting a solid foundation in the banking industry, both in Australia and overseas, was the first and only salaried job David has had since leaving school. For the last 35+ years he’s made his own way in the world, either developing and growing his own businesses or helping others to reach their full potential.

Moving to Adelaide in the early 1980’s, he built a million-dollar retail business with Granny May’s Paper Shops, he developed a highly successful Priority Management training and development franchise, and he’s helped transform many businesses by getting them to focus on the basics.

In recent times, he's developed a digital media network, e-commerce platforms and, in addition to First On The Beach, currently operates a technology and online marketing company.

When he's not working on his businesses or helping other business owners, you'll find him dressed as a lion in support of his Saving Leo project – raising funds to help save endangered animals around the world.

But, in amongst all that, David also managed to lose everything in his early 30’s and had to start over from scratch. But, as he says, “that’s life!”

As Chairman of the South Australian Local Business Awards for many years, he worked closely with the organisers to ensure the program delivered real and sustainable value to all those who participated.

David believes strongly in not just building bigger small businesses, but in building ones that can grow to be whatever their owners want. He calls these ACORN businesses on the basis that, inside its hard shell, every acorn holds a seed with the potential to grow into a full oak tree. As he explains, “when the conditions are right, it simply breaks free and begins its journey."

Are you ready to begin yours?



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Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.
Winston S. Churchill
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